Bless Our Brave Sons by Maureen
Last week, my sister Janine
received a phone call no mother should ever have to get. Her son,
my nephew, Daniel, had been killed by sniper fire in Tikrit, on the
outskirts of Baghdad, in the early morning hours. Insurgents had
been hiding inside an irrigation channel next to the road Daniel’s
convoy happened to travel that morning. He was killed along with
three others. Many of the insurgents got away. Sometimes, watching as the war unfolds in neatly produced segments on NBC Nightly News, we forget that some boys on our side are dying too. Thankfully we are spared the harshest and goriest details of war on our television screens (our generation saw enough of that in the Vietnam era), but sometimes we need a reality check too. Every life this war claims, unfortunately, isn’t the life of a terrorist or insurgent. This is a sobering moment for our family, but even more profoundly so for our mother. Daniel and my son Michael are my mother’s only two grandsons. No mother or grandmother should have to outlive her own children. It’s the most terrible kind of pain, and I wouldn’t wish it onto the most vile terrorist or the most bloodthirsty muslim. Sadly, though, I remind myself, this is the cost of freedom.
Even though the
Bush Administration has banned the media from showing caskets coming
home, sparing us the graphic details we don’t need during
family hour, the horrors and tragedies of war still come home whenever
one of our sons’ lights is extinguished. I feel tremendous loss
in my heart where a part of Daniel’s soul will always be, but once I
get behind the wheel of a four wheel drive, it puts it all into
perspective. This is
why I love my country. Our "boomer"
more than any other generation I can think of, deserves our freedom,
safety and security. If we give in to foreign tyranny, if we
let those who frighten and terrorize
us change
the way we live, if we give in to rising gas prices and drive something
smaller like we did in our twenties, then Daniel’s death and the deaths
of all our sons in Iraq were for nothing.
Maureen Jambor is an executive management consultant, a business systems analyst, a published author, and a part-time mom. Previous Maureen Jambor articles on DivisionTwo: |
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